This Crime Stoppers program is funded by private donations and fund raising. NO TAX DOLLARS are involved. The reward money paid out by the program is from the fund raising and donations from concerned citizens and businesses.

We ask YOU to help us make our community a safer place to live and work.

Financial Help

Please consider making a donation to our program.   Above is a PayPal link.  If you prefer to send a check, here is our mailing address.  

Greater Cincinnati Crime Stoppers
P.O Box 14330
Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-5030

We NEED Volunteers

In order to raise the funds needed to operate the (highly successful) tip program, we have to have volunteers.  Volunteers make it possible to have successful fundraisers and a successful program.    Our volunteers not only work at fundraisers, they contribute ideas that improve the program.    The volunteers are the key in funding our advertising, promotional items, board training and our 24/7 call center.

We continue to strive to:

  • Keep the public aware of our program
  • Keep the media support on HIGH
  • Funding a 24/7 phone number for people to call in tips
Volunteer for as many hours or events as you can.  Every time you help, the program gets better.  For more information about volunteering contact us at the address given above.


Help Support the Crime Stoppers Program